Friday, November 23, 2018

Transmutation to the other side

We were on the road for the family Thanksgiving, the first just after my Mom's passing to Spirit, when I noticed this cloud out of the corner of my eye. "Oh, it's a Snake" was my first thought, immediately followed by thoughts of transmutation and how it relates to crossing over, what I had called transition - up until that moment. We chased the cloud for a few minutes, looking for a safe place to pull over so I could jump out and grab a quick photo to remind me to explore this a bit later. 

Up until that moment, I never thought about how our Soul transmutes to Spirit. Like so many in my metaphysical community, we refer to it as transition - which it is, but I think after receiving this insight from a cloud, I think transmutation is a better fit. Why? Because I relate transmutation as a change, yet still recognizable, like a snake shedding it's skin. When Snake sheds it's skin, you still recognize it as Snake, it's just in a shiny, new, more flexible form of new skin, transmutation having taken place. Unlike Butterfly, who is unrecognizable from Caterpillar, it's original form. 

My experience as a Medium has taught me that when our loved ones are in Spirit, in their Soul body, we still recognize them, we still feel their essence that we are familiar with here in our physical world. Otherwise, we wouldn't know who they were, right? They still maintain their sense of humor, their attitudes, their sense of personality - they just have a better understanding, a higher perspective, after having gone through their life review after returning to their Soul body.

The creators of the Medicine Cards, Jamie Sams and David Carson write about the Medicine message of Snake:  
The transmutation of the life-death-rebirth cycle is exemplified by the shedding of Snake's  skin.    It  is  the  energy  of  wholeness,  cosmic  consciousness,  and  the  ability  to experience anything willingly and without resistance.  It is the knowledge that all things are equal in creation, and that those things which might be experienced as poison can be eaten, ingested, integrated, and transmuted if one has the proper state of mind.
Thoth, the Atlantian who later returned as Hermes and was the father of alchemy, used  the  symbology  of  two  snakes  intertwining  around  a  sword  to  represent  healing. Complete  understanding  and  acceptance  of  the  male  and  female  within  each  organism creates a melding of the two into one, thereby producing divine energy.

Upon our passing to Spirit, we are embodying the life-death-rebirth cycle that Snake represents. We embody the wholeness of the cosmic consciousness. We review our life's toxins, we ingest, integrate and transmute them all gaining a higher understanding to our life lessons.  AND we no longer need to hold onto our resistance we held so dear to here in our physical form. 
This was my message of this cloud. My 99 year old mom passed away just a few days ago. She resisted anything metaphysical that my dad and I embraced. Her last few months, she told me she was ready to go, acknowledging she "had a good run", but she didn't know how to go - resistance, even when she knew she was at the end of her journey. I suggested she call on our loved ones already on the other side, because they had taken that step of their journey and they could show her. When I got "the call" in the middle of the night, my first thought was one of relief "oh good, she figured it out". It brought peace to my heart and continues to do so today, 4 days later.

 When we are able to let go of our fear of this inevitable part of our journey, we are able to let of of resistance, we are able to see possibilities within the Cosmos, and we are able to progress with our Soul's healing.  

Thanks to this cloud and my Mom, I will now add "transmutation" to my lexicon of describing our loved ones' journey to the other side.  I also know my Mom transmuted easily and gracefully to Spirit - another blessing for my heart.

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