Monday, May 28, 2012

Sunflower... I was once told the Native Americans consider this flower to be the Grandmother of all flowers, as it grows tall over them, protecting them, watching them blossom.  I love that idea.  This particular Sunflower was shimmering in the sunshine at a Farmer's Market.  I couldn't take it home with me, but I brought the next best thing - this image snapped on my phone-camera (how bizarre is that...and yet so common place, now) as I was headed to meet the family waiting for me in the car.

Emerson's words ring true -  a much more elegant way of saying "get out of our own way" which works for me, too.

Hope you take the time to admire some beauty every day ~ 
              Don't stand in your own way of your own progress ~
                     and if you do, it's okay...ask your Angels to help you~