Friday, August 22, 2014

Meet Claude.  
He resides at one of my favorite places, the Steinhart Aquarium in Golden Gate Park, San Francisco.  He and I had quite an encounter last June when I visited the newly renovated aquarium.  His new enclosure can be viewed from a balcony-type area (where I took this picture) and from a water-level area that gives everyone an up-close, eye-to-eye view.  

This was my first time visiting since the extensive renovation of my beloved aquarium and I was pleased to see a few things - like the seahorse railing - intact.  I can't begin to guess how many hours I spent as a little girl, with my face pressed up against those metal seahorses, looking down upon my buddies, the alligators.   You see, I lived across the street from the park and this was back in the day when your parents would tell you "go outside and play" and that meant "don't come back until it's dark" - and we did.  I had all of Golden Gate Park to explore and call my own - just me and my bike.  Besides, my family knew where to find me - eventually, I'd return to watch my friends, the alligators.

So, here I did return, after too many years and one huge renovation.  I preferred the balcony-view, so I stayed upstairs, reminiscing with my hubby, Larry.  The comments of the crowd downstairs floated up, as we enjoyed our view all by ourselves.  "Is he real?" "He hasn't moved in ages!" "Will he EVER move?"

I snapped the photo (above), put my camera/phone back in my purse and said to Claude "well, you COULD get in the water and surprise the hell out of them..." Larry looked at me and then at Claude - who, at that exact same moment, also looked up at me.  Gracefully as can be, Claude slid into the water, swam over to the glass and snapped his big ol' jaws, creating a splash in the water and a huge roar from the crowd below!  

Larry and I just laughed.  He said "So now I'm married to the Alligator Whisperer?".  We decided to go downstairs and get a glimpse of our new friend, Claude, from the water level.  As we made our way through the crowd and up to the glass, we heard a woman say "I wish there was an Alligator Whisperer around so we could find out what he was thinking just then!"

Alligators have been my totem since - well - always, probably.  Over the years I have learned what that meant:
(1)  Family is important.  They are good parents, caring for their own and the young of others in the pod.
(2) Community is important.  They are good stewards of the environment - as they create their nests, they are also creating watering holes for other animals to gather and drink. 
(3) Roll with life's circumstances, as they roll in the water with their prey.  
(4) Their medicine (message) is about integration = fully appreciating and integrating all that life offers to avoid getting stuck in the duality and quagmire of the human judgment game.

Thanks, Claude, for a magical experience ~ see you next time! 

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Raven Funeral

Living in a pine forest in the mountains, I have witnessed many animal behaviors that I have thought to be strange and wondrous.  What the ravens shared with us that day was definitely high on that barometer.
It was the middle of a Spring day.  It was quiet in the neighborhood, the kids not home from school yet.  My dining room has a view of the cemetery across the street.  It’s the town cemetery that was established in the 1800s, so it’s been around longer than the houses on the road.  As I walked through the dining room to the kitchen, something caught my eye.  I couldn’t quite wrap my head around what I glimpsed outside.

A wave of glossy black, completely covering the road, was moving up the hill.  

I went outside, as quietly as I could, still not quite being able to grasp what I was seeing.  The roadway was covered in ravens, shoulder to shoulder, walking calmly and silently, together up the hill.  There were so many ravens, they filled the roadway from one side to the other.

I had to get a better look.  I quickly and as quietly as I could, went inside and then ran up the stairs to my mom’s apartment which has a deck overlooking the street and the cemetery.  I grabbed her on the way, wanting a witness and to make sure it was not a figment of my imagination.  We both stood there, our mouths agape (good…she saw them, too!)  We watched this wave of ravens marching to the top of the hill.  We tried to count them, but there were just too many.   We lost count around 40.  

As we watched, more ravens flew down, landed towards the back of the group and joined in the march upward. 
We must have stood there watching in silence for several minutes.  When the front of the group reached the top of the road, next to the end of the cemetery land, they spread their massive black wings and flew up towards the surrounding pine trees.  As the others reached the same spot, they too, flew up, some to join the first group in the trees, others just flew away.   Then, all of a sudden, as if by some invisible cue to the rest of the masses, they all flew away.   The sound they made as they took flight has stayed with both my mom and myself.   I believe we heard it with not only our physical ears, but with our soul ears, and felt it deep within our hearts.

After all the ravens were gone and the roadway was once again, a normal country road, my mom turned to me and said “I think we just witnessed a Raven funeral.”  That was what came to my mind, too. 
We’ve lived in our house for 24 winters now.  We have never seen anything like that again.   

We have never forgotten, either.

Raven in Weaverville Joss House Tree, photographer: Paula Masterman 

Monday, June 30, 2014

 I have a challenge for you, that is, if you are brave enough to try it...

The Dandelion - the little yellow flower that most think of as a weed that spoils the green carpet of their lawn.  I think of them as something quite different - Mother Nature's solution to unhealthy soil.  That's the irony.  If Dandelion has shown up in your yard, it's because the soil needs repairing.  Yet, most people, when they see Dandelion, pour chemicals on them to destroy them, hoping to "fix" their green lawn, when all they are doing is damaging their soil - and calling more Dandelions to appear next season!

Here's the challenge = what if (and it's a biggie for some of you big-time lawn-lovers) you allowed the Dandelion to grow for one whole season, and let it repair the soil naturally?  That means no chemicals, no pulling out the Dandelions - just let them be.

We did it and now we have a luscious meadow in our front yard, where the deer come to feast on the grasses that grow.  We've gained Yarrow, Rose Campion and Chamomile that have appeared all via the magic of the birds and the winds.  We have a safe environment for the Mason bees and honey bees that are feasting on our flowering Oregano.  

Now, I understand not everyone wants a meadow for their front yard, with such a variety of wild flowers and wildlife, but what it does tell me is that our front yard is a safe place for all life to flourish.  

Give Dandelion a chance to do their job, what Mother Nature intended them to do.  Your lawn could be just as safe a place for your family to play upon - healthy, green and safe from chemicals and poisons, all thanks to the Dandelion.


Friday, March 7, 2014

Things we can forget when we're in the midst of sadness...

You will laugh again.
You will feel happy again.
You will hope again.
You will be inspired again.
It's okay to be mad.
It's okay to be sad.
This is temporary.

Give it a minute, take a breathe and remember you are supported by your Angels, Guides and loved ones in spirit - always ~

Friday, February 7, 2014

Today, I heard this statistic again: 
 Heart disease is the # 1 killer of American women.

This time when I heard those words though, this thought ran through my mind faster than I could type it here:

That makes so much sense because 
women carry their burdens in their hearts.

Here are some affirmations for your heart health courtesy Louise Hay's Heal Your Body:

I lovingly allow joy to flow through my mind, body and experience.
I bring joy back to the center of my heart.
I breathe freely and fully.
I am safe.
I trust the process of life.

So, along with the recommendations from your physician to take care of your heart, please consider including heart healthy affirmations in your health plan.  Let's turn this statistic around.  It's our daughters' future, too.
This is what I posted on November 16, 2010.  Today is National Wear Red Day to show one's support and awareness to women about their heart health and they are still quoting that statistic.  Yes, it's important to understand the physical signs of dis-ease within our physical bodies and to address them.  My Angels and Guides have taught me that it's also important (and I personally feel the first priority) to address what is happening emotionally and spiritually, because our bodies are simply a reflection of this.

As you are addressing any health issues, I encourage you to include exploration of your emotional state of mind, too.  Include some affirmations to shift your perceptions.  I believe you'll find your journey to a healthy well-being will be quicker, easier and more thorough.
I did.  And it was amazing!!!  
Image courtesy of