Monday, August 2, 2010

Diggin' in the dirt

Yes, this is my humble compost pile!
I spent some time with my compost pile today...not very pretty, mind you, digging down under all the yucky veggies, turning over the clumps of last week's leftover salad rejects, not to mention what I found in the bottom of the veggie drawer in the fridge.  But the focus, time, water, energy, leftover veggies and sun are all worth it because what you find underneath is this rich-healthy-bursting with life-energetic-perfect moisture-teaming with life-soil that is great nourishment for my flowers that brings smiles to our faces when we see the butterflys and humming birds feed off of them, and the veggies that make our meals so delicious!

If you haven't ever popped a little plum tomato into your mouth, still a little bit warm from the afternoon sun straight from the vine, you've missed one of the finest moments in life, in my humble opinion.

Very satisfying ~ very delicious ~ very nourishing for our trinity of bodies - physical, emotional and spiritual.

Yes, how symbolic - by giving some water (our tears for release and cleansing), focus (really looking at what's there), some sun (our energy) to our internal compost heap (all those issues that have piled up as we stuff them down) we can uncover a rich-teaming with inspiration-new ideas-new perspectives-energetic-newly nourished-Self ready to enjoy more smiles in our every day. 

I wonder if that's where we get the phrase "turning over a new leaf"...although it's more accurate to say "turning over the new pile" but that doesn't sound so poetic...
The Hummingbirds love this Petunia!


  1. Beautifully put! You've done it again, Paula!

  2. Thanks, Sue! I knew you'd relate to this ~ I think of you as our Garden Goddess, embracing all the aspects our gardens have to offer. ~
