Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Today, I heard this statistic again: 
 Heart disease is the # 1 killer of American women.

This time when I heard those words though, this thought ran through my mind faster than I could type it here:

That makes so much sense because 
women carry their burdens in their hearts.

Here are some affirmations for your heart health courtesy Louise Hay's Heal Your Body:

I lovingly allow joy to flow through my mind, body and experience.
I bring joy back to the center of my heart.
I breathe freely and fully.
I am safe.
I trust the process of life.

So, along with the recommendations from your physician to take care of your heart, please consider including heart healthy affirmations in your health plan.  Let's turn this statistic around.  It's our daughters' future, too.


  1. This needs to be posted...I have friends and also clients that are heart sore which leads to other ailments. Laugh, drink tea, and stay well!

  2. Thank you Judith ~ please share with your friends and clients and Happy Hearts to us all~
    Angel hugs,

  3. I Like your blog, best wishes from petra

  4. Thank you Petra. I appreciate your kind words and energy.
    Many blessings to you,
