I was beginning to feel a little bit like Lil Miss Muffett...
It was Day 5 of my latest manifesting journey and I noticed I was finding spiders in the most unusual places...scooting across my living room rug (this guy was so big he cast his own shadow!) one scurries into the kitchen sink as I was doing the dishes, and another hovering over my hands as I was slicing cucumbers for our dinner salad! Okay, I get it... time to check in on what Spider medicine (or totem) messages are all about.
Ted Andrews, a favorite author and I consider a teacher of mine who is now in the Spirit world, writes that Spider is at the heart of creation stories, and is related to the Wheel of Fortune card in the Tarot because both are about creating a balance between past and future, flow and flux, male and female, etc and the rhythms of it all.
Body is the figure 8 = infinity symbol
8 legs
Taking this a bit further, with Spider's physical attributes being about infinity and the metaphysical message is about creation and the connection and balance between, then Spider's web-thread is that what connects human world with Spirit world or the above world with the below world, as in As Above, So Below.
After sitting quietly with this information, I checked in with Source and my Ancient Ones and here was Spider's message to me:
Infinite possibilities.
Remember we are infinite Beings who will continue to weave patterns of life and living throughout time.
As Spider's thread connects the human world and spirit world,
we are also connected through our threads of living to Source.
Is it easier to stay in the vortex, the flow of the Universe, if we remember we are infinite Beings and this lifetime is temporary? Does it make it easier to embrace "this too shall pass"?
Are so many afraid of spiders because maybe instinctively, at some level, we understand they represent our infinite Being, our infinite possibilities and that, quite frankly, can scare the hell out of us?!?
We want more structure, more things to weigh us down - could this be another slice of the pie to why we are an overweight society with too much stuff? (I have seen a change in awareness about this lately - I think we are beginning to understand the ramifications of material wants and needs being out of control.)
What if we all became energetically light as feathers, light enough to fly on our own threads from object to object always connected to Source and therefore, secure with our threads?
And the fact that we manufacture our own threads from within our own bodies, how cool and self-sufficient is that?!?
I am creating my own thread from my Heart Center today - how about you?
Thank you Spider for your wisdom and guidance ~
p.s. you can leave my house, now...