Are you feeling pulled in different directions?
I don't know exactly where or what the planets are doing right now, I only know that the result here on Mother Earth is one of extremes - chaos, confusion and clarity. Sometimes the clarity feels worse than the chaos but that's because sometimes it's a shock to the system. What's going on?
Our guides are saying this - the veil of energy that lies between all of us living in physical form and spirit form, has gotten so thin during these past years, that we are feeling more in our subtle energy bodies than ever before. If we are not aware of this, we can interpret it as feeling raw or tender, confused and hurt. We lose our patience quicker, we make assumptions based on emotional responses, we are sensing more information in a faster "download" than we are able to process! This makes us feel vulnerable, defensive and just plain grumpy.
The bright side (and yes, there is one!) of this thinning veil is that we are also seeing things with fresh eyes - and eliminating that which doesn't serve our highest good because we don't have the patience for it hanging around us anymore. Taking care of old business, clearing the clutter, speaking your truth like never before are direct results of this thinning veil. We are taking care of business so we can move to our next step of clarity and understanding and a happier YOU living in your truth and passion!
I noticed in the astrology blogs, that Mercury is now in Retrograde... I know you've heard this expression but what does it mean,
or more importantly, how does this effect us???
In astrology lingo, it's about the planet Mercury having the appearance of spinning backwards in the night sky. Mercury is the planet that symbolizes communication and travel - so when it's in retrograde, we experience breakdowns of any kind of communication and troubles with modes of travel, transportation. The day Mercury went into retrograde, the internet in our little town went ka-fluey for several hours. No one for miles could get online...perfect example. Having car woes? Mercury retrograde. Computer acting up? Mercury retrograde.
What can you do?
Be gentle with yourself.
Give yourself a time out so you can choose your words carefully to avoid any confusion on everyone's part.
Remember this is temporary - we are all in this together and as much as you would like some compassion shown to you, so would the other person in this scenario.
Ask Archangel Michael to protect your car.
Ask Archangel Gabriel to help you communicate.
Drink more water.
Remember to Breathe...
Here's an affirmation I find myself repeating lately:
I easily eliminate that which no longer serves my highest good and comfortably receive the infinite supply of abundance from the Universe.
Here is a picture I took while I stood on a footbridge in town, watching the creek flow under me, and thanking the Fairies for helping me surrender to the flow of life. I hope you also feel the power of Mother Earth's healing energies as you gaze into Her waters, Her lifeforce.

Hang in there ~ You are loved by us and supported by the Universe!
Many blessings to you,
Our guides are saying this - the veil of energy that lies between all of us living in physical form and spirit form, has gotten so thin during these past years, that we are feeling more in our subtle energy bodies than ever before. If we are not aware of this, we can interpret it as feeling raw or tender, confused and hurt. We lose our patience quicker, we make assumptions based on emotional responses, we are sensing more information in a faster "download" than we are able to process! This makes us feel vulnerable, defensive and just plain grumpy.
The bright side (and yes, there is one!) of this thinning veil is that we are also seeing things with fresh eyes - and eliminating that which doesn't serve our highest good because we don't have the patience for it hanging around us anymore. Taking care of old business, clearing the clutter, speaking your truth like never before are direct results of this thinning veil. We are taking care of business so we can move to our next step of clarity and understanding and a happier YOU living in your truth and passion!
I noticed in the astrology blogs, that Mercury is now in Retrograde... I know you've heard this expression but what does it mean,
or more importantly, how does this effect us???
In astrology lingo, it's about the planet Mercury having the appearance of spinning backwards in the night sky. Mercury is the planet that symbolizes communication and travel - so when it's in retrograde, we experience breakdowns of any kind of communication and troubles with modes of travel, transportation. The day Mercury went into retrograde, the internet in our little town went ka-fluey for several hours. No one for miles could get online...perfect example. Having car woes? Mercury retrograde. Computer acting up? Mercury retrograde.
What can you do?
Be gentle with yourself.
Give yourself a time out so you can choose your words carefully to avoid any confusion on everyone's part.
Remember this is temporary - we are all in this together and as much as you would like some compassion shown to you, so would the other person in this scenario.
Ask Archangel Michael to protect your car.
Ask Archangel Gabriel to help you communicate.
Drink more water.
Remember to Breathe...
Here's an affirmation I find myself repeating lately:
I easily eliminate that which no longer serves my highest good and comfortably receive the infinite supply of abundance from the Universe.
Here is a picture I took while I stood on a footbridge in town, watching the creek flow under me, and thanking the Fairies for helping me surrender to the flow of life. I hope you also feel the power of Mother Earth's healing energies as you gaze into Her waters, Her lifeforce.

Hang in there ~ You are loved by us and supported by the Universe!
Many blessings to you,